HUBBARD, Ohio (WKBN) — A fire destroyed a house in Hubbard Wednesday. The couple who lives there says they’re grateful to be alive. They could have lost their lives if it wasn’t for the quick thinking of a neighbor.

Tom Foraker was taking a nap in his South Main Street home in Hubbard on Wednesday evening when the house caught fire. The front of the home was consumed by flames. He says his next-door neighbor’s quick thinking saved his life.

“It was engulfed. I never would have made it if it wasn’t for him,” Foraker said. “I was sleeping, and thank God for my neighbor Johnny. He came up and got me. Woke me up. Got me out of the house. I would have been gone. That’s the fact. That fire was right under my bedroom.”

Foraker’s wife was in their basement when the flames broke out. She was alerted when a woman started banging on her front door.

“She didn’t even know it until the lady came screaming. And then I guess her and my wife flagged John down,” Foraker said.

Foraker’s wife didn’t want to appear on camera but said she was praying for help when their next-door neighbor rushed in to help. Thanks to their actions, the couple and their two dogs got out safely.

“A lot of people stepped forward yesterday and came out of nowhere — and I’ve never met. You know what I mean?” Foraker said.

Foraker, who suffered a bad burn while working in a steel mill over 40 years ago, said the ordeal was stressful. Now, they are putting the pieces back together, working with insurance and restoration companies to figure out the damage. They are incredibly grateful for the love of a community that saved their lives, evening wearing the sweatshirt his neighbor gave him while speaking with the 27 First News crew.

“It’s amazing how people will help. It’s really amazing. I give a lot of thanks to both of them,” Foraker said.

Investigators are still working to find out how the fire started. Right now, the Forakers can’t stay in the home. In the meantime, the Red Cross is helping them with everything they need.

No one was injured in the fire.